Monday 22 March 2010

Shutter Island by Dennis Lehane

Dennis Lehane is most known for his private eye novels, and his particularly famous novel also turned into a film Mystic River however Shutter Island proves to be very different. Also made into a film very recently, soon to be released on DVD starring Leonardo Decaprio.

I actually picked this book up on Saturday morning at about 10am and had it finished by tea time. I know I read fast but this book was brilliant. Gripping, intense and truly harrowing.

It is a psychological thriller, and I can honestly say being a big coward that I usually am, this book isn't you can see by my reviews I'm not a great fan of scary books anyway!

US Marshal Teddy Daniels embarks on his investigation to Shutter Island, a remote hospital for the criminally insane, hoping to find a missing patient. After finding a number of cryptic clues Teddy begins to suspect all is not as it seems. Will he ever leave Shutter Island?

Chilling and intensely clever, this book is not at all what it seems. I need someone else to read it now so I can debate what they think about it too!! I will definitely be reading the book again to see if I can break it down even more!!

Truly fantastic.


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