Wednesday 7 July 2010

The Help by Kathryn Stockett

A fantastic story of 3 women who despite the odds against them become friends. One of the best books I have read in a long time. Skeeter, Abileen and Minny all live in the same town but live very different lives. As an educated, white young woman Skeeter is under pressure to keep up appearances with her peers and under constant pressure from her mother to get married and look the part she begins to explore the world around her with increasing discomfort. Abileen and Minny are both coloured maid to the white inhabitants of their town. The story unfolds as Skeeter, an aspiring writer decides to log the maid's struggles in bringing up white children and the subsequent degradation they suffer daily at the hands of their employers. At great risk, the women begin meeting in secret and recording their experiences. Shocking, devastating and truly revolting stories emerge and Skeeter begins to see the world she has always accepted begin to peel away before her eyes.

To read this story is an uncomfortable experience, having to accept these things and worse happened to fellow human beings is beyond our comprehension, but without bias but with an abundance of eloquence Stockett tells a tale that I hope people will read in their millions.

This gritty story had my heart thumping with the injustice that the maids had to endure.

A fantastic, fast page-turning read. Brilliant.


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